Switch to English妖精视频成人精品免费区克服了铸铁暖气片承压低、金属热强度低、装饰性能差的缺点,也克服了钢制暖气片及其他金属暖气片耐腐蚀性差的弱点,减少了对系统水质要求过高带来的麻烦;耐腐蚀,使用寿命长,导热性能好,散热量大,高效节能,而且适合碱性水质的采暖需求。性价比极高
Copper-aluminum composite radiator to overcome the cast iron radiator pressure is low, the metal heat intensity is low, the decorative performance of the shortcomings of the poor, but also to overcome the steel radiator and other metal radiator poor corrosion resistance weaknesses, reducing the water quality of the system Requiring too much trouble; corrosion resistance, long life, good thermal conductivity, heat dissipation, energy efficient, but also for alkaline water heating needs. Cost-effective